Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Backpacking Trip Reflection

Black Mountain Trip

Starting off the trip, I honestly was not excited about going. But I kept a optimistic mindset because if I kept it in my head that I did not want to be there I knew I wasn't going to enjoy my time. The ride there wasn't that bad. I was just tired from staying up late the night before so I took a nap in the van. 

Once we arrived there, the first thing I felt was the heat. I knew this hike was going to be rough. I have never been backpacking til this day and I didn't feel prepared. The start of the walk was not bad because it was a flat and downhill walk. Once we got to going uphill, I didn't think I could do it. I felt all the weight of my backpack and complained to myself that I shouldn't have packed so many things. I really did not have a lot in my backpack but it felt so heavy. It was extremely hot and I did not focus on anything else but my breathing. All I thought was, "We're almost there." 

When we arrived to the site I was relieved. I had made it alive. We started to unpack our backpacks and  go to building our tents. It was my first tent that I had put up on my own. My parents usually do it when we go camping. When all our classmates we took a break and then walked to watch the sunset. The sunset made the whole journey up there worth it. It was silent and all you could hear was the wind blowing. I thought it was funny how close the deer were to us and how they would walk around us like we didn't see them. At night, I was really excited for bed. I was tired but was not able to sleep. All I could hear at night was the crickets. I would look and see how the stars lit up the sky. It made me actually see the stars. 

The trip back to the car was a lot faster and easier and I was so happy. Overall the trip was good. I do feel like getting to the camp site was hard. And I felt like our class should have done some type of hiking trip before hand to prepare our bodies.